Our passion for GREEN creates beautiful surroundings!
Erosion Control Management
The earth's surface can become worn down by erosion, causing detachment, movement, and soil deposition, ultimately controlled by fluid flow management. We believe in preserving the earth and understand the importance of using tools and methodologies to erase the effects of nature, habitat, and humans. We deploy preventative or corrective measures that control surface degradation due to nature (wind, water) and construction. Our practices will identify the causes and reduce soil, habitat, and property losses.
Landscape Management
Rockwell Earthworks believes in sustainable landscaping and takes pride in creating and maintaining the beautiful outdoor living surroundings you will enjoy for years. We incorporate all the design elements to maximize your space's function, sensory, and visual appeal through hardscaping, softscaping, and lighting. Our use of energy-efficient products, recyclable materials, and native plants increases wildlife habitat whenever possible to encourage a healthy ecosystem.
Snow Management
Let's face it; in West Michigan, you need a snow removal service you can trust. By monitoring local forecasts, we can track where the snow event will most likely occur. Rockwell Earthworks offers commercial and residential snow plowing and also has the capabilities to remove snow from grounds and dispose of it off-site.
Turf Management
At Rockwell Earthworks, our passion for green is evident through meticulously manicured lawns that subscribe to our comprehensive installation and management services for commercial and residential clients. We’ll maintain your property, manage seasonal challenges, establish appropriate care guidelines, and deliver the most innovative solutions and services through technology and continuous improvement. Whether the initial installation or seasonal preparation and maintenance, let Rockwell Earthworks increase the probability of success. Our passion for green creates beautiful surroundings.